
Industry-Based Solutions

We offer a wide range of services tailored to meet the specific needs of your industry


Our Solutions

  • ERP Systems
  • E-Learning
  • Service Procurement
  • Logistics
  • E-Commerce
  • Tourism
  • Nonprofit
  • Entertainment
  • Transportation
  • Personal Care & Wellness
  • Cloud-Based Solutions
ERP Systems


At Namaa Alsharq, we are dedicated to delivering tailored software solutions that empower nonprofit organizations to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness. By providing innovative tools for managing donations, volunteers, and technical support services, we help your organization achieve its humanitarian mission.

Non-profit Organizations
Secure Donation  and Payment Platforms

Secure Donation and Payment Platforms

Experience our user-friendly and secure donation platforms, designed to simplify the process of accepting and managing donations. Our comprehensive analytical reporting tools help track performance and evaluate the impact of your campaigns, ensuring informed decision-making.


Streamlined Volunteer Management

Optimize your volunteer organization and tracking with our intuitive volunteer management software. This solution simplifies the process of organizing volunteers, tracking work hours, and monitoring completed tasks, boosting efficiency and resource allocation.

Streamlined  Volunteer Management
Cloud-Based Data  Management and Analytics

Cloud-Based Data Management and Analytics

Leverage our cutting-edge cloud-based data management solutions to securely store, access, and analyze your organization's crucial information. Benefit from real-time insights and advanced analytics capabilities, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and effectively monitor your nonprofit's progress.


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journey With us

Unit No. 221, King Abdulaziz Rd
      Al Wizarat District Saudi Arabia
Copyright © 2024  |  Namaa Alsharq